Kristallnacht - Prelude to Disaster - Martin Gilbert

Though people have heard of the Holocaust and atrocities against the Jewish people in the 2 World War, and they have heard of Auschwitz, Dachau, Treblinka etc not many people will know or understand what happened and the consequences prior to the holocaust happening and the suffering of the Jewish people in Germany and Austria. In Kristallnacht, the author Martin Gilbert draws on personal correspondence with over 50 eyewitnesses and on vivid newspaper and diplomatic reports to produce a meticulously researched and utterly compelling account of a night that set the tone of the atrocities suffered by Jewish people at the hands of the Nazis. For those that do not know, Kristallnacht – the night of broken glass – saw the destruction in a single night of more than a thousand synagogues, the ransacking of tens of 1000s of Jewish shops and homes, and more than 30,000 Jewish men rounded up and taken to concentration camps. It started the systematic eradication of a people who ...