Sicily '43 - James Holland


Sicily '43 was this week released in paperback and does not disappoint. 

The author James Holland captures not only the detail of the operation and gets inside the planning, preparation an execution but interweaves the stories of great leaders and soldiers on the ground, never letting one have more importance than the other.  

The book allows you to follow the operation through its brilliant story telling balancing excellent detail with the excitement of battles on the ground and the human stories that they involve.

Using his extensive experience, first and second hand accounts and brilliant research the author captures the pace of war, at times the frustration of leadership and the shear hair raising feats that took place across these battles.  He does not shy away from showing the horror and desperation of war throughout the book.

James Holland conversational writing, married with an eye for detail and the human element of war draws the reader into the story, allowing them to experience a little of what took place in 1943.

This book is a must read for all those interested in 2 World War.


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