The ENGLISH GI - World War II Graphic Memoir

A confession, as an adult I have never read a graphic novel or book. As a child these would be known as comics. This graphic memoir/book is NOT a comic. It is a story of a journey. With The English GI – A World War II Graphic memoir of a Yorkshire Schoolboy’ Adventures in the United States and Europe the author Jonathan Sandler expertly tells the story of his grandfather Bernard Sandler, and his journey from Leeds to America to Europe and back again. This is an adventure story, a love story, a story of a journey of finding yourself. It is emotional, it is exciting, and it really grips you. “Stranded in New York, Bernard must grow up quickly. He discovers the pleasures of Broadway and Jazz and is finding his independence when the United States declares war in 1941. Bernard is drafted into the US Army, joining the 26 th Yankee Division. He returns to Europe to serve on the front line alongside General Patton’s Third Army". The format works really well and ...